Extraordinary massage techniques in combination with sound. Experience gentle touches, warming aroma oils, and pure nature on your skin. Alluring scents and ground gemstones in wellness relaxation baths.

Deep relaxation can be achieved in various ways. Discover the right one for yourself!

Body wrap on the soft pack lounger

Softpack – Smooth vibrations of the water, nurturing body wraps and a feeling of weightlessness. Deep relaxation on the water floater.

Easy floating, while being completely surrounded by the pleasant warmth of the waterfloater – there is no better way of forgetting time and space. Back and joints are relieved, the muscles loosen up and a nurturing body wraps unfolds its full potential.

The smooth vibrations of the water ensure deep relaxation.

Choose from 3 options for your body wrap:

20 min each

Sun - Fri 44 € | Sat 48 €


„Bathing is the new clubbing!“- according to fans and friends of the cultural program in our thermal bath. Unique, versatile and sophisticated. Interested in current examples?


From stress-melting massages to heavenly facials. Our Wellnesspark offers a wide range of high-quality treatments.


Gifts that inspire and stir emotions. Dive into our online shops and discover the perfect vouchers for magic moments in the Toskana Therme Bad Schandau.

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