Sweat Lodge

Tom Blue Wolf is a member of the Muscogee Nation. He has an aura that is characterized by serenity, tranquility wisdom and – above all – kindness. He takes us on a journey to our ancestors and mother earth.
We become part of a ceremony which he performs worldwide – and also in Bad Sulza. He shares the insights of his people and guides us as to how we can use the experience of the sweat lodge for small and large issues of life.
Words which are spoken during the ritual are not just empty phrases; they come from the heart and are taken seriously. We summon the fire creatures who heat the stones in the fire. Afterwards, we enter the sweat lodge in the sauna garden of Toskana Therme.


29.03.2025 | 30.03.2025 | 27.09.2025 | 28.09.2025

11:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Procedure of the ceremony

  • Introduction in the Conference Center of Toskana Therme with Tom Blue Wolf, his companions, introduction of the participants
  • Change of clothes and going to the sweat lodge grounds in the sauna garden of Toskana Therme together.
  • Invoking the cardinal directions by Tom Blue Wolf 
  • Begin of the ceremony in the sweat lodge: the stones – previously heated in the fireplace – are carried into the lodge in four subsequent sessions by the fire keepers. Water is poured on the stones. 
  • Accompanied by drums and chants
  • Connecting the participants to their wishes and ancestors, strengthening of the identity as part of the community 
  • Possibility to shower in Toskana Therme
  • Group dinner in the Conference Center
  • Optional use of the Toskana Therme until closing time
130 € per person

Supporters of the sweat lodge ceremony benefit from a complimentary participation.

We have put together a PDF file with a detailled description of the sweat lodge ceremony including essential information: Sweat lodge in the Toskana Therme Bad Sulza

Information & contact

+49 36461-92000 | info@toskanaworld.net


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