Opening hours Toskana Therme and sauna world
Sunday – Friday | 10 am – 10 pm |
Saturday | 10 am – 11 pm |
Liquid Sound Club Events | until 11 pm |
The Toskana Therme has opened regularly on all german public holidays (except 24.12. & 31.12.).
Admission prices
Standard Rate
2 hours
4 hours
Day ticket
22.00 €
29.00 €
38.00 €
11.00 €
14.50 €
19.00 €
Family ticket 2 adults / 1 child¹
47.00 €
59.00 €
77.00 €
every additional child¹
6.50 €
6.50 €
6.50 €
Special Rate
2 hours
4 hours
Day ticket
Coins for 10 admissions⁴ adult
180.00 €
240.00 €
320.00 €
Coins for 10 admissions⁴ child¹
90.00 €
120.00 €
160.00 €
Every additional 30 minutes for adult/child¹
2.50 €
2.50 €
18.00 €
Guests with visitor’s card of Bad Orb
19.00 €
25.00 €
32.00 €
10.00 €
12.50 €
16.00 €
Recommendation: Our 10 cards (10 COINS) – our savings offer! Redeemable for a full 4 years and up to 20% cheaper!
All rates include Toskana Therme, sauna world and Liquid Sound Temple.
Severely handicapped people
Free admission for assistants of handicapped people bearing a severely handicapped pass inscribed with a “B”. Handicapped accessible entrance, shower and toilets are available.
Special offers
Bathing for senior citizens
Three hours for the price of two2 (for bearer of a senior citizen ID)
Monday – Friday from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Happy Hour
Three hours for the price of two2
Monday – Friday from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Complimentary additional offers
Introduction to Liquid Sound
Feel free to contact our pool attendant and discover more about the unique experience of “Liquid Sound”, our thermal water & events in the Toskana Therme.
1] Children’s prices apply to persons up to and including 13 years of age. Persons 14 years and over pay the full rate. Free admission for children younger than 4 years of age.
2] Not valid for tickets with a discount rate such as tickets for 10 admission. Not valid on holidays and weekends.
3] Valid from Mon-Fri after 4:00 pm for bearer of a student ID. During Liquid Sound Club (1st Sat. of the month) after 8:00 pm for bearer of student ID and 1 companion.
4] A coin for 10 admissions is 1 ticket for 10 consecutive or simultaneous admissions. These coins are not issued as single tickets which can be used separately.
5] Advanced booking required (Phone: +49 6052 -918444)
All group rates per person are bookable for groups with a minimum of 20 persons. For groups with a minimum of 20 persons we offer free admission for bus driver and tour guide (not more than 2 free admissions) for the same duration. Group rates do not apply on weekends, holidays and during school holidays in Hesse and Bavaria (except Summer break).
Opening hours Toskana Therme and sauna world
Sunday – Friday | 10 am – 10 pm |
Saturday | 10 am – 11 pm |
Liquid Sound Club Events | until 11 pm |
The Toskana Therme has opened regularly on all german public holidays (except 24.12. & 31.12.).
Admission prices
2 hours
22.00 €
11.00 €
18.00 €
Family ticket 2 adults / 1 child¹
47.00 €
every additional child¹
6.50 €
Coins for 10 admissions⁴ adult
180.00 €
Coins for 10 admissions⁴ child¹
90.00 €
Guests with visitor’s card of Bad Orb
19.00 €
10.00 €
4 hours
29.00 €
14.50 €
Family ticket 2 adults / 1 child¹
59.00 €
every additional child¹
6.50 €
Coins for 10 admissions⁴ adult
240.00 €
Coins for 10 admissions⁴ child¹
120.00 €
Guests with visitor’s card of Bad Orb
25.00 €
12.50 €
Day ticket
38.00 €
19.00 €
Family ticket 2 adults / 1 child¹
77.00 €
every additional child¹
6.50 €
Coins for 10 admissions⁴ adult
320.00 €
Coins for 10 admissions⁴ child¹
160.00 €
Guests with visitor’s card of Bad Orb
32.00 €
16.00 €
Recommendation: Our 10 cards (10 COINS) – our savings offer! Redeemable for a full 4 years and up to 20% cheaper!
All rates include Toskana Therme, sauna world and Liquid Sound Temple.
Severely handicapped people
Free admission for assistants of handicapped people bearing a severely handicapped pass inscribed with a “B”. Handicapped accessible entrance, shower and toilets are available.
Special offers
Bathing for senior citizens
Three hours for the price of two2 (for bearer of a senior citizen ID)
Monday – Friday from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Happy Hour
Three hours for the price of two2
Monday – Friday from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Complimentary additional offers
Introduction to Liquid Sound
Feel free to contact our pool attendant and discover more about the unique experience of “Liquid Sound”, our thermal water & events in the Toskana Therme.
1] Children’s prices apply to persons up to and including 13 years of age. Persons 14 years and over pay the full rate. Free admission for children younger than 4 years of age.
2] Not valid for tickets with a discount rate such as tickets for 10 admission. Not valid on holidays and weekends.
3] Valid from Mon-Fri after 4:00 pm for bearer of a student ID. During Liquid Sound Club (1st Sat. of the month) after 8:00 pm for bearer of student ID and 1 companion.
4] A coin for 10 admissions is 1 ticket for 10 consecutive or simultaneous admissions. These coins are not issued as single tickets which can be used separately.
5] Advanced booking required (Phone: +49 6052 -918444)
All group rates per person are bookable for groups with a minimum of 20 persons. For groups with a minimum of 20 persons we offer free admission for bus driver and tour guide (not more than 2 free admissions) for the same duration. Group rates do not apply on weekends, holidays and during school holidays in Hesse and Bavaria (except Summer break).
After Work Relaxing
Relaxing after-work time in the thermal baths with a soothing wellness massage and small treats.
From soothing massages to heavenly facial treatments, our wellness park offers a wide range of high-quality applications.
With just a few steps from the room to the thermal baths, from the thermal baths to the park, nature, into the timeless holiday feeling. Here you will find the time to forget time.