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Extraordinary new massage techniques according to Hawaiian tradition. Ancient Ayurvedic healing methods with gentle touches and warm aromatic oils. Captivating odors and grinded gems in relaxing wellness baths.
There are so many ways to achieve deep relaxation. Discover the one that suits you best!
Thai Yoga massage
Deep relaxation – A traditional asian massage technique which incorporates smooth strechtes and rhythmic pressure applied to single areas of the body.
Smooth stretches alternate with rhythmic pressure applied to single areas of the body and result in the activation of the body’s self-healing powers. Causes deep relaxation and a feeling of detachedness.
Thai Yoga massage | 80 min
Thai Yoga Massage | 120 min
*The weekend price also applies to public holidays.
Wellness-Wochenende oder ausgedehnter Entspannungsurlaub? Unsere Arrangements bieten das optimale Gesamtpaket für alle Ansprüche.
Entdecken Sie das vielfältige Kulturprogramm und ideenreiche Events im Hotel an der Therme Bad Sulza sowie Veranstaltungstipps aus der Region.
Geschenke, die berühren und inspirieren. In unserem Onlineshop finden Sie Gutscheine für magische Momente zum Schenken und Beschenktwerden.