Here you will find all our wellness offers

Sanfte Streichmassagen oder kräftige, lockernde Massagegriffe. Bei Klassikern zur Ruhe kommen oder Neues ausprobieren. Zu zweit genießen oder ganz für sich entspannen.
Entdecken Sie die Vielfalt unserer Anwendungen und finden Sie heraus, welche wohltuend für Sie sind. Belebende Peelings und wärmende Packungen machen Ihr Verwöhnprogramm perfekt.
Wellness for two
Wellness for two – Nourishing sea salt body scrub with subsequent full body massage with citrus oil.
Hot Stone Massage
Wellness for the senses – A fascinating combination of massage, energy work and the pleasant effect of hot stones.
Royal well-being
Aroma rituals – sweet and odorant „Dr. Hauschka“ full body lotion poultice. Feet or face massage and full body effleurage or back massage.
Velvet and silk
Aroma rituals – sea salt-coconut full body peeling with subsequent full body effleurage.
Wellness massage
Massages for feeling completely at ease – Gentle, soothing effleurage applied to the entire back side of your body, with warm aromatic oil
Back massage
Massages for feeling completely at ease – Back and shoulder massage applied according to your individual needs.
Indian head massage
Massages for feeling completely at ease – Relaxing massage according to Asian tradition. Gentle pressure loosens energy blockages.
Relaxing face massage
Massages for feeling completely at ease – One of the oldest ways of dissolving tension and treating first small wrinkles.
Feet & leg massage
Massages for feeling completely at ease –Give your feet some time off and relieve your feet and calfs.
Full body massage
Massages for feeling completely at ease – The classic head-to-toe treatment! Relieves tension and loosens the muscles.
Full body massage with warm oils
Massages for feeling completely at ease – Sensually flowing massage techniques and the soothing effect of warm aromatic oils
Aroma relax
Aroma rituals – Enjoy indulgence with sweet flavors. Mild aromatic peeling with subsequent full body massage.
Asian foot pressure point massage
Massages for feeling completely at ease – Relaxing massage according to Asian tradition. Gentle pressure loosens energy blockages.
Wellness for children
Mamma Mia & Wellness for children – Adults aren’t the only wellness enthusiasts, give it a try! Massage with nourishing organic oil especially suited for children.
„Baden ist das neue Ausgehen!“ Sagen Fans und Freunde unseres Kulturprogramms in der Therme. Einzigartig in Sachen Vielfalt und Niveau. Aktuelle Beispiele gefällig?
Von wohltuenden Massagen bis zu himmlischen Gesichtsbehandlungen. Unser Wellnesspark bietet ein breites Spektrum an Anwendungen auf höchstem Niveau.
Geschenke, die berühren und inspirieren. Tauchen Sie ein in unseren Onlineshop. Hier finden Sie Gutscheine für magische Momente in der Toskana Therme Bad Orb.