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Discover our beauty offers with high-quality natural products by Dr. Hauschka and SOTHYS.

The certified organic and natural cosmetic products by Dr. Hauschka incorporate selected medical plants and a unique treatment concept. The products strengthen the skin’s own processes, guard it against external forces and carry the BDHI label “controlled natural cosmetics”.

Enjoy premium beauty care with SOTHYS: the top-quality cosmetic products use natural plants and are developed by SOTHYS’ own research institute in order to attain the highest possible effect while ensuring optimum skin. Only natural raw materials and substances extracted by biotechnological are used.

Dr. Nobis natural cosmetics

Natural Cosmetics – Dr. med. Nobis – offers selected natural active ingredients and plant extracts in optimal combination. These ensure that the bioactive multiple effect in the preparations can fully develop.

The orientation and intensity of the treatment will be adjusted individually. As part of your treatment, you will be advised and pampered according to your current needs and sensitivities.

80 min

Mon - Fri 106 €

Sat - Sun* 117 €

50 min

Mon - Fri 72 €

Sat - Sun* 79 €

20 min

Mon - Fri 44 €

Sat - Sun 48 €

*The weekend price also applies to public holidays.


Wellness-Wochenende oder ausgedehnter Entspannungsurlaub? Unsere Arrangements bieten das optimale Gesamtpaket für alle Ansprüche.


Entdecken Sie das vielfältige Kulturprogramm und ideenreiche Events im Hotel an der Therme Bad Sulza sowie Veranstaltungstipps aus der Region.


Geschenke, die berühren und inspirieren. In unserem Onlineshop finden Sie Gutscheine für magische Momente zum Schenken und Beschenktwerden.